If you are wondering about the 2007 expiration date on the Strip case, on our next batch, we will erase the date ourselves. In the meantime, you can smudge the date with a bit of sand paper (wrapped around the end of a...
Daniel Garcia Project IATM file for DGP 6 (Canada)
From the Daniel Garcia Project.
Daniel Garcia Project IATM UK
From the Daniel Garcia Project.
New Hawk Handling Tips
We have magician Michael Wood to thank for these.
1) The gimmick can be attached to a playing card with two small pieces of tape, one at the top end, one at the bottom end. This will allow the chosen card to slide into the now modified gimmick. Once...
Another Hawk Handling Tip
Another tip from Martin:
After sliding in the chosen card into the gimmick in the middle of deck, then fan through the cards to show that the card is actually in the middle -- no need to get a break on the card. Close up the deck completely. Then do...