Product Details:
Product Description

A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Loops, Card Forces and more!


All hand picked by Paul Harris Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and astonishing.


This is not an encyclopedic "every variation under the sun" collection. Out of the hundreds of routines and ideas we have handpicked a small select handful of only the very coolest, most powerful, performer-friendly personal favorites from magic's top creators.


Hand-Picked Easy For The First Time Beginner

Hand-Picked Power For The Experienced Pro


Handpicked Astonishments is Paul Harris's new concept for teaching the cutting-edge magic on a wide variety of topics. The concept is simple.Rather than try to teach every variation or idea on a topic, he curates. Put simply, these are the absolute BEST five or six effects possible on each topic. No filler—just the ultimate routines you can perform with thumbtips, the Invisible Deck, and card forcing.


Taught by expert magician Joshua Jay in meticulous detail and clarity, this is the Tarbell Course for the digital age!



Invisible Deck is possibly the highlight of the entire Handpicked series. You think you know the trick...but when you see the touches, handlings, and improvements by some of the most diabolical minds in magic, you will find MANY ways to amp up the impact of this fine classic. You will also learn ideal ways to present the effect according to venue, and also some totally different effects possible with the Invisible Deck method.


Introduction to the Invisible Deck

Cell Phone Presentation (how to involve someone from across the globe)

Jay Sankey’s X (possibly the best variation on the original)

Beyond Invisible (A totally new twist on the classic routine)

Invisible Deep 3 (Predict a spectator’s initials!)

Pit Boss (The perfect ending to a one-ahead routine by Thom Peterson)

And much more!
